Friday Free Write: Perceptions of Self in the New Year

  • Friday, January 06, 2023
  • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM


Registration is closed


Friday Free Write with Hannah

Perceptions of Self in the New Year

With the new year comes reflections on the past year, New Year's resolutions, and a belief (or hope) that things will improve in the future. During this generative workshop, poets will examine the many different perceptions of self that influence their everyday life and choices. How do others perceive them? What narratives (whether positive or negative) do they believe about themselves? Using the works of Lucille Clifton, Elizabeth Bishop, and more, poets will write about the facets of themselves they want to preserve and those they want to give away in the New Year.

Hannah Rousselot (she/her) is a queer French-American poet and author. Her poetry has appeared in Parentheses Magazine, Kissing Dynamite, The McNeese Review, and The Blue Nib and others. She has published the poetry collections Fragments of You (Kelsay Press) and Ocean Currents (Finishing Line Press). She is the winner of the Gateway Review Flash Fiction Prize. She also reviews other poet's works on and is the host of the podcast Poetry Aloud. You can follow her work on or @hannahrousselot, or