Joy of Creation: A Generative Poetry Workshop

  • Wednesday, March 29, 2023
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • via Zoom


  • IWWG Member (requires login)

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Generative Workshop

Joy of Creation: A Generative Poetry Workshop
**Please note all times are listed in EST**

Art is everywhere and you can create a poem or story from just about anything. Have you ever written a poem from a list? Have you ever used your senses to stimulate your imagination? Have you ever stared at the pictures on the wall and wondered what they are showing you? Have you ever tried to summarize your life story in just a few words?

Tanya shows writers at any stage how to turn a simple shopping list into poetry, how to compose 45-word, even 6-word poems using your senses, how to tell the story behind the pictures on your walls, and how to get in touch with your creativity by finding joy in the everyday!

Tanya Ko Hong (Hyonhye) is an internationally published poet, translator, and cultural curator championing bilingual poetry and poets. Born and raised in South Korea, she immigrated to the USA at the age of eighteen. She holds an MFA degree from Antioch University, Los Angeles. Tanya’s work has won the the Dritëro Agolli award, at the  International Korçare Poetry Festival, Yun Doon-ju Korean-American Literature Award, Ko Won’s 10th Literary Award was a finalist in Frontier’s Chapbook Contest, and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Tanya is the author of five books, including The War Still Within (KYSO Flash Press, 2019). Her work appears in Rattle, Beloit Poetry Journal, Allium, Entropy, Cultural Weekly, WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly (The Feminist Press), great weather for MEDIA, the Choson Ilbo, and The Korea Times, among others. You can find her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.