from Denmark: Language Experiences - Writing Abroad

  • Saturday, March 25, 2023
  • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM


Registration is closed

Writers who live away from their mother tongue gain new words and ideas, but pay a slightly higher price than the average expat. We can find ourselves constantly searching for language experiences that give us energy rather than requiring it, listeners who deeply understand all the nuances of our words and wording, and in-person community with fellow writers. In this workshop we'll talk about that experience, consider some ways to keep lines flowing in our native language (and maybe even in the new language!) and we can share some work that has come out of our lives abroad.

Leslie Crislip Nielsen is an American expatriate poet, novelist, and freelance writing coach living in Denmark since 2013. She has taught university creative & academic writing, published and edited Poets' Quarterly online journal, and was a reader for River Teeth Journal. She holds an MA in English Literature and an MFA in poetry and creative nonfiction. Her poems have appeared in r.kv.r.y., Literary Mama, Relief, Under the Radar, and The Missing Slate. Currently she publishes The Daily Lines series and has launched a small independent press.