Fill Your Cup: Journaling as Creative Wellness

  • Saturday, February 17, 2024
  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
  • via Zoom


  • IWWG Member (requires login)

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Fill Your Cup: Journaling as Creative Wellness ($39)

Journaling is a powerful creative tool that can be used to support mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. A consistent journaling practice can also cultivate self-empowerment and personal transformation. The “Fill Your Cup” workshop is a space to develop rituals for reflection, self-care, and creativity. In this 2-part series, Black offers tools and support for cultivating a wellness practice through journaling.
Part 2: Journaling as Creative Practice

Black (they/them) is a renaissance, embodying the legacies of artists like Josephine Baker and Ntozake Shange, who were unapologetic and unbound in their creative expression. They are an Afro-Indigenous, genderqueer healing and teaching artist based in Bulbancha (so-called New Orleans, LA). Through transdisciplinary creative practice, Black transcends the boundaries between art and form to create space for healing, discovery and transformation. They are an Afrofuturist, conjuring and worldbuilding through the imagination to facilitate a sense of collectivity, wholeness and embodied wisdom. It is through this work that Black strives towards liberation. For more information, follow @thecreatorblack on social media or check out!