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International Women's Writing Guild

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Cancellation/Credit/Refund Policy: If you are unable to attend in person or online events for any reason, please contact us as soon as you know. You will be given full credit, minus a 15 percent administrative fee, that can be applied toward any IWWG event for one year. If IWWG cancels or postpones a workshop for any reason, you will receive a refund or credit towards a future workshop. 

Once you are registered you will receive a confirmation with  Zoom links or venue details. You will also receive a reminder 24 hours before the event. If you do not receive a confirmation or reminder, check your spam mail. If you cannot find your Zoom link, please write to with at least 24 hours notice. We cannot send links the day of the event.  Links for free events will be posted at least 48 hours in advance on the "Free Events" page. 

Contact Us!

Email (quickest response):

Mailing Address:


att: Michelle Miller

22 Parsonage St #293

Providence, RI 02903

telephone: (518) 290-1636 

NYC Address:

888 8th Avenue, #537
New York, NY 10019

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